Sunday, October 14, 2007

Is advertising overwhelming?

These days one cannot go through their daily lives with out being bombarded with millions of advertisements. From the moment we wake up our senses are literally overrun with advertisements. Think about it. If you are someone you watches he local news when you wake up in the morning, think about how many ads you see during that programming. Or if you’re someone that prefers to read the paper in the morning you are still seeing lots of ads. Then think about your commute to work or school. Think of all the billboards you see, and of course don’t forget about the ads on the radio. If you continue to think about your daily routine and all the ads you encounter you will probably realize that you are seeing thousands upon thousands of adds everyday just doing your regular activities. But is this such a bad thing? I mean maybe all this advertising does contribute do the average America’s huge debt problem, but can you picture a world without advertising? In today’s world the average amount of credit card debt is close to $10,000 per household. That’s a lot. And it seems very discouraging when day in and day out Americans are constantly over run with all theses cleaver adds urging them to spend more and tempting them with the never ending promise that if you had this one item life would be so much better. But then if you stop and think about what the world would be like without advertising it would not be a pretty picture. Let’s start back at the beginning of the day and suppose that there is no advertising. There would be no more watching the local news in the morning because the average America could not afford to watch television without advertising. The paper to would be out of the question. The commute to work would also change. Since all the billboards help fund roads, there might not be any without them. And of course radio to would also be far too expensive for the average American to afford. So with out advertising think of all the extra money we would be spending for entertainment such as radio or television. I think the average American would still have just as much credit card debt because they would be spending so much more for entertainment. Though advertising can sometimes seem excessive and overwhelming I would prefer to never have to experience a world without it.

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