Friday, November 9, 2007

The news we get on television and the news we get at websites such as BBC and New York Times is very different. First of all there is the fast paced nature of television. With news programs on TV they may be reporting on the same stories as what you would find at these websites, but you are not getting nearly the depth you get when reading the news on these sites. Since these shows have a limited amount of time, they cannot spend as much time on each story. There is also the issue of ratings. Since Television news shows cannot report on every story, they have to pick and choose stories that will give them the best ratings. This means that news programs may often go with the story that has the most mass appeal. This often leaves many important pieces of news with only a little air time, or none at all. News channels can also be very biased. Take for example Fox news. Fox news has for many years gotten a bad rep for being very skewed on the news it chooses to show, and how it is presented. Another issue affecting these programs is that many American news programs choose to focus more on American news only. Only a small portion of the program is devoted to world news. This leaves many Americans who get there news solely from these programs left in the dark about events happening outside the country. Of course most of these issues are directed more at news programs such as Good Morning America and ABC primtime news, not news networks such as CNN and C-Span, though some of the same issues can plague these news outlets as well.

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